This customer is a high-profile restaurant located in New York City. Since its founding in 1905, the establishment has served fine Japanese fare to denizens of the metropolis and tourists alike.


Under ordinary conditions, air quality must meet strict requirements to ensure the quality of the food served and the health and safety of the restaurant staff and patrons. However, during the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, the operators faced still more challenges in protecting the well-being of people inside the restaurant. Because masks cannot be worn while eating, the air quality in the dining area had to be unfailingly safe.


To ensure the cleanest possible air for employees and diners, the AAF Flanders team proposed stationing multiple AstroPure portable air purifiers in strategic locations.

AstroPure Portable Air Purifier


Based upon the square footage of multiple dining rooms, the restaurant required a total of five AstroPure units. The AAF Flanders team made a point to be on hand to assist in receiving the portable air purifiers and positioning them for optimal benefit without being in the way of patrons and wait staff.


With the AstroPure units in place, the management team at the restaurant determined that the units indeed improved air quality to levels above and beyond the requirements. Beyond the fact that these AstroPure air purifiers helped the restaurant comply with safety protocols, employees experienced other benefits.

AstroPure Noise Level Comparison
Nippon Club Restaurant Case Study
