Food and Beverage filtration

Filtration Protects Food and Beverage Products, Workers, and Customers from Contaminants

Air filtration is vital in preventing cross contamination, ensuring hygienic production, delivering consistently high-quality products, and protecting people and process equipment in a food and beverage manufacturing facility.

Microbial cross contamination, one of the biggest threats to operations, can lead to production downtime and product spoilage, both of which impact yield and profitability, and may even lead to exposure to the risk of lawsuits. Having a well-sealed environment is the first step to preventing cross contamination, and having superior filtration is key to maintaining the integrity of the process.

Air filtration factors in heavily to prevent mold, spores, bacteria, viruses and other byproducts from entering the manufacturing space, helping to ensure product quality. Environmental, health, and safety considerations factor into the equation both inside and outside the food and beverage production facility. Both employees and the outside environment need protection from the types of contamination that could be released into the air. FDA has strict regulations for establishing and maintaining aseptic and hygienic production and storage environments for food and beverage manufacturing.

Food and Beverage Operations include:

  • Bottled Beverage Production
  • Alcohol Production
  • Canning Facility
  • Meat Processing
  • Confectionary
  • Milk and Cheese Processing
  • Pre-cooked meal Packaging

The Air Inside a Food and Beverage Facility Can Contain:

  • Molds, spores, bacteria or viruses 
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Malodorous compounds (e.g., vinegar)
  • Fine dusts from sugar, flour, and/or other dry ingredients
  • Various chemicals
  • Outside air


Extensive Studies Show:

  • Government regulation continues to rapidly change and increase
  • There are 175,268 pages on IAQ in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations
  • 56% of commercial maintenance teams actually admit that their IAQ maintenance is not carried out per IAQ guidelines
  • Indoor pollution levels can be up to 5 times higher than outdoor levels (in many cases up to 100 times higher)
  • Lack of proper air filtration is the #1 cause of poor IAQ

Filtration Reduces Your Contamination Risk


AAF Flanders is ideally positioned to assess a food and beverage facility for room sealing, filtration efficiency and effectiveness and for continuous improvement opportunities. Using a collaborative and consultative solutions approach, AAF Flanders strives to understand your complete filtration needs and applications, as well as advise on regulatory requirements for total air quality. Our designing applications such as SAAFtech will help customize your solution. 

Many food and beverage facilities already benefit today from AAF Flanders’ air filtration expertise. Our extensive product portfolio combines with high-level technical support to improve the results our customers achieve significantly.

Optimize Your Filtration and Improve Your Environment


A thorough air filter audit of your HVAC systems is the first step that AAF Flanders takes, in order to provide you professional guidance and analysis for cost savings and liability reduction. By conducting this audit, we strive to understand your current state and advise you on how your systems could perform even better. This customized air filtration survey costs you nothing and could give you significant benefits by helping you save money, reduce risk, and save time.

Contact your AAF Flanders representative to schedule an audit and to find out how the insights from intelligent data tools, including TCO Diagnostic® and Sensor360®, can improve operational outcomes and save you time and money.