Filtration Provides the Highest Levels of Protection for Cleanrooms 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) establishes strict requirements on air purity levels within the pharmaceutical industry to minimize the threat of airborne contamination on the quality of both prescription and over-the-counter medications. Especially for aseptically prepared parenteral medicine, such as injectables and infusions, no degree of contamination is acceptable, as severe harm or even life-threatening risks to the patient can result.

Under normal operating conditions, the air inside your pharmaceutical production facility may contain:

  • Molds, spores, pollens, bacteria and viruses
  • Carbon monoxide, radon, volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Bacteria, viruses and byproducts
  • Vehicle engine exhaust, exhaust from industrial plants
  • Asbestos, clays, elemental particles and man-made fibers

Extensive Studies Show:

Up to 65% of energy spending at a pharma facility is related to moving air

There are 175,268 pages on IAQ in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations

Lack of proper air filtration is the #1 cause of poor IAQ

The time it takes to address a filter leak:

 - Five to ten minutes planned time for an experienced team to scan filter

- At least two labor hours unplanned downtime to remove, replace and retest a leaking filter

Loss from a single microglass filter leak:

 - $250,000+/hr (two hours of unplanned downtime)

- $20,000 (documentation and meetings)

$3,000 to $20,000 documentation costs associated with a single filter leak



Customized Pharmaceutical Air Filtration System Solution

No clean air is possible without a carefully selected and reliably functioning air filtration system. The performance of installed air filters, whether terminal filters or prefilters, directly determines how effectively that harmful contaminants are prevented from entering the airstream in process environments. However, if the air filter selection process does not also consider the lifetime operating costs of a given product, facilities could be exposed to unnecessary risks and unexpected expenses.

Optimize Your Filtration and Improve Your Environment

A thorough air filter audit of your HVAC Systems is the first step that AAF Flanders takes, in order to provide you professional guidance and analysis for cost savings and liability reduction. By conducting this audit, we strive to understand your current state and your complete air filtration needs, applications, and goals for total air quality. This customized air filtration survey costs you nothing and could give you significant benefits by helping you save money, reduce risk, and save time.

AAF Flanders offers VisionAir™ Clean software to help you design your cleanroom and select air filtration configurations that maintain cleanliness levels and optimize energy use. You can even configure multiple rooms and establish the ideal air change rates for your spaces.

Contact your AAF Flanders representative to learn more about how VisionAir™ Clean can minimize risk and optimize operational efficiency.